Frame Hold

  • updated
  • Nice To Have

I know I and others have mentioned this before, but I haven't seen it in this particular forum.

If there's one missing feature that means I have to take my project out of FlipaClip and onto the PC, it's the fact that I currently cannot make a single drawing hold for more than a single frame. This means that laying out key drawings to get a feel for the timing of an animation is not really possible. It also means that if, once you have your timing set up, you want to alter a 'hold' drawing, then you're going to have a LOT of copy/pasting to do.

It would be fantastic if you could grab the right hand side of a drawing on the timeline and drag it out to the desired number of frames - and if you could do this on a per-layer basis, then that would be even better.

Hope I don't sound like I'm complaining too much ... I love the app. :)

Duplicates 11
duration of a single frame

Adjusting the frame duration of a single frame

....Like a PC program "TVPaint"

Doubletap a frame in frame viewer for frame hold timing

I understand why you don't want to add a timeline editor and keep this app fun and light, but...

What about just adding the ability for a frame to be held during playback (and movie export) for a multiple number of frame intervals? A doubletap on a frame in the frame viewer much be a great way to edit this number. (with a calculated time position displayed under the frame number too?)

Video frame choosing

I want it to be possible to choose which frames to put videos instead of the beginning! It's really not that easy to make animations with the video at the very beginning each time.

Adjust time length of each frames

on behalf of all the people who use flipaclip thank you for making it so we can add music to our animations, but there's another thing you need to do, I we think we should be able to change the time length of each individual frame so we can adjust the timing of our animations, but last time I saw a post like this was four years ago, but now that you're done working on the music part I hope you have time for this

Timing could easily get easier
Avatar Nat

To make this app even more useful than it already is, there should be an option to hold an individual frame for a customized ammount of seconds. That way, an indivdual frame can easily be edited. Right now that is not so since you must copy a frame multiple times in order to hold. And so, if you decide to make a change, you must do it to each frame you copied. This is an unnessacary nuisance and work could be greatly enhanced if single frames could be held. Hope to see this app become great!

important:please make a function of instance like a tvpaint!!!

instance means "one paper"

instead, exposer means "one frame"

flipacilp has exposer but has not instace

instance is one of important thing for animation

most of professional animator set "fps" to 24fps basically 

and adjust speed and feel with exporser

one instance, two exporser is 12fps  actually 

three exposer? 8fps

four? 6fps 

it is really important !

if you don't understant what I say

refer program called tv paint animation and 

I hope you add this function

Export project to After Effects (or other desktop apps)


Exporting FlipaClip project to other formats could be handfull option. This ofcourse should be feature next after making "hold frames" feature which was mentioned in other topic. For After Effects its enough to generate proper java script file nested in one folder with PNG frames, Than running this script in AE will construct exact same project like in FlipaClip. I can help in this as I did once similar stuff.

Exporting to Krita or Photoshop animation layers should be even more amazing - but this I dont know how to do.

Any possibility to continue FlipaClip projects on desktop computer will be superb.

Or Flipaclip Windows and OSX and Linux version? :-)

Frame holds.

It would be awesome (especially for dialogue and sound) if there was a way to set a frame hold for blocking.

It would be nice to customize the duration of each frame, so you would not have to repeat the same frame several times to stay as long as we wanted
Make one frame last longer

I wish I can make one frame as long as I want in one project. Right now, I can copy and paste the picture that I want to use for many frames, but they are all seperate frames. If I want to make changes to the picture, I have to delete all the separate copies, then fix the original one, then copy it for many frames again.——>annoying

Add 3D Touch or long hold feature to preview projects and movies

It would be nice to have a pop up preview of my project before I open it . When I animate I create a lot of copies of the same projects so if I mess up one I go back to another, a previous version of that same one . 

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Jona Co-Founder & Lead Developer
  • Answer
  • Planned
We always appreciate all types of feedback! :)

We are actually thinking about this more and more since this would solve those limitations/slowdown of multiple copy/pastes. The concept of keyframes or frame holds is a great one which would allow even better animations that are created faster.
Dusan Kolic
Quote from Simon

Hi Jona, just wondering if there's any update on frame holding?

Hey Simon,

This is still a planned feature! We have been really busy with a bunch of areas of the app and we are close to continue working on this particular area.

FlipaClip is a work in progress so we thank you for your patience :)

Quote from Jona

Really late response here! But thank you for your kind feedback! Frame holding will come promise! 

Hi Jona, just wondering if there's any update on frame holding?

Marco A. Cano
Quote from IanJTurner

Having seen how well the audio menu works - I think it would be fantastic if you could have a similar screen that scrolls up from the bottom, when activated, to control the frame-hold and layers functions.  I made this mock up to show the kind of thing I mean.   The ability to show or hide this part of the UI, as you can with the audio, would make for a great compromise between screen space and functionality.

It looks a bit uncomfortable but a very good idea

Jose Melo

this is a must


this would be incredible!


Hey, love the app!
The ideal way I would see it working is; see how there are dotted frames when there's an audio file, if you have a frame at frame 1 and dotted to frame 30, if you create a frame at 15 NOW it fills the frames before with white... instead it should just HOLD the last defined key until another breakdown is added in between if needed.  That way you'd see frame 1's onion skin when drawing frame 15 too.  If you add another frame at 7, 7 would be onions skin 1, and 1 would be onion skin 2.  Hope this is clear!

This also really helps with having a 'guide layer' which automatically holds while you add keys in other layers without having to copy it (or use a background image) - much more versatile.

Another awesome thing would be to create cycle frames - if you click and drag a frame left it could create a cycle to the frame you drag to which cycles until another key is defined to break the cycle

Also would be very happy to be a beta tester!!  Please get in touch. :)


Let me also add what ClipStudio AND TVPaint does in animation and frame holds.

A frame is left shown, as long as another is being defined.

This way the user does NOT need to set the duration of each individual frame.

The user need only to define the exact time at which dash frame/draw will be shown at.

So in the end one has just to shuffle around the frames to define timing (hence duration) which makes the whole process quite more versatile.


PLEASE let us know what and when should we expect such a feature.

If that is already in the works I would be GLAD to beta test and help this move forward

PLEASE keep us posted


Framehold is essential in 2d animation like this app provides. 

How may  on twos, threes, fours etc ?

How is he/she supposed to play out the first draft and check timing when is not possible to have same frame being played until the next one is being hit ? 

It is simply impossible to do so.

And as timing is the most important element, being unable to do so is as if we are being tortured here to copy manually frames all over the place that makes no sense and as mentioned is hard to be distinguished afterwards...


Could you PLEASE enlighten us what and when should we expect ?

An answer is highly appreciated

shuzhan yang

This feature should be an urgent need,because when you copy and paste a lot of frames,it’s hard to differentiate between those frames.


if audio wave is not visible, there is no way the user could define exact frame holds needed to get it right. 

Having to go back and forth from frames holds setup to audio just to get ghis fundamental process right, is just not going to work.

That us why professional software like toonboom and tvpaint allow the animator tonhave access to those simultaneously.

Screen rstate is not an excuse not to have those, especially on 12.9 ipad pro displays.

I really hope @Jona will take that comment seriously in this direction.

Again it would be nuce to know how clise such a function is or we should wait years before that takes place...

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