Add opacity option for brushes and bucket fill tool

  • updated
  • Planned

Add Opacity (Alpha) in the bucket and others materials, and possibly Add more frames.

Duplicates 4
Paint bucket tool used to other layers

I usually color my stuff individually but if you guys managed to fix the white outline issue, it’d be nice to add this along with it??

Obviously if we are going to color things individually we would do it by another layer so that maybe the colors would be more accurate and more customizable (by that i mean i can add shadow without ruining the lineart) but it can get pretty tiring with about 50+ frames of coloring a hair for a character, maybe add an [option] where the paint bucket can be used on another layer and still stops where the lineart of another layer is, like this:

Image 513

Its just a small idea, sorry if you dont get it im quite bad at explaining.

Please make a better paint bucket tool that allows you to paint under line art slides
Avatar Cyn
Transparency on paint bucket

Hi, I'm a bit confused on this, but whenever I try to change the opacity/transparency of the paint bucket, it just goes back to solid. This is a bit stressing, since I havent payed and I'm not looking forward to paying for anything, and I have to use up a layer I was gonna use solidly and I have to use it for just one thing. Could you help me please? Thank you!

Add an opacity option for every single brush including the eraser and the bucket fill tool

Currently only two brushes have an opacity option,but I think you should add one for all four of them and also for the eraser and the bucket fill tool.It would be extremely usefull for shading,colouring and much more

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Jona Co-Founder & Lead Developer
  • Answer
  • Planned

Thanks for your idea. We do have plans to add opacity option for some of the brushes that are missing this option. Also, we will look into adding opacity option for the bucket fill tool. At the moment you have unlimited frames available. Maybe you are referring to layers? We do have that on our plans. It just requires some testing and performance increases to avoid slowdown on the app when you have more than 6 layers.

Jona Co-Founder & Lead Developer
  • Answer
  • Planned

Thanks for your idea. We do have plans to add opacity option for some of the brushes that are missing this option. Also, we will look into adding opacity option for the bucket fill tool. At the moment you have unlimited frames available. Maybe you are referring to layers? We do have that on our plans. It just requires some testing and performance increases to avoid slowdown on the app when you have more than 6 layers.

User 413

Yes! This feature would help a TON, like, a TON!

Jona Co-Founder & Lead Developer
  • Planned

Old post! But this is planned!


i can't get this in the right topic either. Help-