Add Tweening Option

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I'm sure all us animators know what 'tweening' is,and for those who don't,it's basically when you have two separate frames that have a very large in between and you're too lazy to copy and paste the same object again and again to get it to the destination so you press a button and it automatically does it for you.I really need that to have my animations faster and more efficiently.If the person who responds to these is curious,my YouTube is superjacksonbro and I do everything with this blessed app.

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Are there any plans ot add tweening?

 tweening is the process of generating intermediate frames between two images to give the appearance that the first image evolves smoothly into the second image. Inbetweens are the drawings between the key frames which help to create the illusion of motion.

add motion tweens
Tweening feature

So, what about presenting a tweening feature in FlipaClip that looks like Adobe Animate or Toon Boom or another animation programs?

Maybe you can add a motion tween option, instead of just using the select tool on a bunch of layers, and then add multiple tween options should be added too.

You should add a motion tween feature to make it easier to tween.

You should...
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Add tweeting, able to set the frame with different FPS 

Copying button easier to reach

Is there a motion tween option?

Is there a way to do tweening like in various Adobe CC programs, where you set the start frame and end frame and it generates tweens based on the transformation?

I tried to look up how to do it and all the tutorials are manual frame-by-frame transformations instead of proper tweening and it's obviously not as smooth.


It’s Annoying to Have To Get Your Drawing and Move It One Pixel Over And Over Through Frames To Make It Look Like It’s Slightly Moving. It Takes A Very Long Time, and Sometimes It Doesn’t Even Turn Out Good. This Would Be Fixed With A Tweening Option, If This Was Added this App Would Be Perfect

Ther should be an option to make a tween where you get and item in the lasso tool and tween the object

So you should be able to select and item and tween it across multiple frames.

The corner icon with the 3 dots would have a tweening section like the frames viewer. Select the starting frame and ending and move the object. Then on the frames in between it will show up.

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Jona Co-Founder & Lead Developer
  • Answer
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Hey, thanks for the feedback. I checked your channel. The one voice over comedy video was really funny! :)

So tweening is useful and helpful but at the moment we believe it isn't the direction we are going for at the very moment. We understand that sometimes it is a tedious process moving objects on every frame. For that reason we are trying to find clever ways to make it simpler while keeping simplicity and more importantly the traditional animation style alive.
Jona Co-Founder & Lead Developer
  • Answer
  • Nice To Have
Hey, thanks for the feedback. I checked your channel. The one voice over comedy video was really funny! :)

So tweening is useful and helpful but at the moment we believe it isn't the direction we are going for at the very moment. We understand that sometimes it is a tedious process moving objects on every frame. For that reason we are trying to find clever ways to make it simpler while keeping simplicity and more importantly the traditional animation style alive.

5 years but what?, look imma tell youmy opinion, Tweening can make your projects smoother than smooth, It can really help those who animate using their hands, it can make a choppy 10 frame bouncing ball to a very smooth animation

Igor Mitrovic
Quote from heyjustme

5 years but what?, look imma tell youmy opinion, Tweening can make your projects smoother than smooth, It can really help those who animate using their hands, it can make a choppy 10 frame bouncing ball to a very smooth animation

Hello, thank you for checking on this one.  Even though we feel the same towards tweening, we still like to hear everyone opinion and if enough people express themselves towards it we might consider it :) Igor

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