How to copy and paste several frames at once

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  • Answered

Is it possible to cut & paste several frames at once, please? Thanks.

Duplicates 12
Add Multiple Frames Option

So, about a week ago I wanted to try something new, but I wanted to add in all of the frames I needed for it. The big downside was that I could only do 1. Frame. At. A. Time. And it took FOREVER! I don’t know if there’s already an option for this and I’m just stupid, but I was wondering if there could be a button/option to add multiple frames at once! It would save a lot of time and save your fingers from being killed... Just a suggestion! Thanks FlipaClip Team!

Не получается копировать кадр.
Copy and paste multiple frames at once

if you could copy and paste multiple frames at once that would help a lot 

My suggestion is to add something that can copy and paste more frames at a time
Copy/past multiple frames

A lot of my projects contain repeating animation, and it’s really annoying to have to copy and paste all the frames of a section of animation I want to repeat. Maybe make it an option to copy multiple frames to your clipboard at once?

Copy frame to multiple other frames
Avatar jan

I miss an option to copy a layer into more than only one other frame. Now I have to copy it and paste it in every frame where I would like to see it. I would like to tell the app: paste what I copied from frame 17-123 for example. So I do not have to paste und change the frame for 106 times, what makes the app crash after roundabout 60 times.


Mega copy paste

So... There are alot of things i love about flipaclip...Except for this.I am a master of copy paste as a matter of fact i made a glitching Gif :) But in my experience in animating i want to suggest a MEGA copy paste as if you copy paste frameSSSSSS,last time i asked a suggestion of my copy paste idea they told me about the copy paste basics -_-.So basically its like selecting multiple frames for either deleting or copying.Then when you paste it on one frame thats empty it gets pasted on the following frames.welp i hope you received this message CORRECTLY this time K?also i suggest animations should have links :)

How to copy multiple frames on a layer and paste them on another layer

How do you copy and paste say 5 frames and overlay them on another frame? 

For example: 

I have a background that is 30 frames long. 

I draw a animation of a fan that is 5 frames long on a different layer

How do I copy and paste those 5 frames across the other 25 leftover frames of background?

Add a clipboard feature

My suggestion is that it would be really useful if you put something like a clipboard where you can copy many things to and you can just paste them back on the frame you are drawing instead of going back to the frame where you drew it on this would make me happy thanks

How do I transfer a drawing to the next slide?

What I mean by that is I made a drawing and I wanted to move it to the next slide to change something.How do I do that?

When I Double the frame it Only double the 1st layer And that usually a Sketch layer And when I went on a new Animation and it did the same the same drawing From the previous animation And I would really like you could fix that

I don't know what to do here

How to make copying better

you should make it so you can copy mulittle layers, all layers, or make it so you can lock a layer so that when you copy another one you also copy that one!

Please take this into consideration, I've been wanting this for a long long time!

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Jona Co-Founder & Lead Developer
  • Answer
  • Answered

There are 3 ways to do this:

  1. Select your drawing with the lasso tool, copy it, and paste it on the next frame
  2. Go where you can see all your frames, the Frames Viewer. Select your frame, copy it, and paste it after the original one.
  3. Long press the add frame, which is the last frame in the timeline. Select the clone last frame option. Now pressing the add frame it will clone the last frame.

Thanks Ian and Duanra for the help!

Igor Mitrovic
  • Answered
Igor Mitrovic
Quote from Electricfuse

How do you copy multiple frames on one layer and OVERLAY it in the same layer?

For example, I draw a background that is 30 frames long. I draw a animation of a fan that's 5 frames long. How do I loop those 5 frames without adding anymore frames? Because if I just copy those 5 frames in the frame viewer and paste them, it just pastes just those 5 frames and gives me a total of 35 frames. How do i overlay those 5 frames of animation onto the next 5 frames of background?

Hello, at the moment there is no way to copy a frame into another frame. A workaround would be to use the lasso tool to select, in your case, the whole image of the frame and paste it into the desired one. Check out these two links for all possible options (C/P and C/P Frames) Igor


How do you copy multiple frames on one layer and OVERLAY it in the same layer?

For example, I draw a background that is 30 frames long. I draw a animation of a fan that's 5 frames long. How do I loop those 5 frames without adding anymore frames? Because if I just copy those 5 frames in the frame viewer and paste them, it just pastes just those 5 frames and gives me a total of 35 frames. How do i overlay those 5 frames of animation onto the next 5 frames of background?


Dusan Kolic

Здравствуйте, какая именно проблема у вас возникает, когда вы пытаетесь скопировать?


Already noted & forwarded the same thing to developers a week ago :) (hopefully they react to that)

As a solution you could always compile the repeating stuff in any video programme later on!

Jona Co-Founder & Lead Developer
  • Nice To Have

Thank you for your feedback. We have plans to revamp the available options to copy/paste/move layers a group of layers across other layers and frames. This is something we want to do in the near future. 

Jona Co-Founder & Lead Developer
  • Answer
  • Answered

There are 3 ways to do this:

  1. Select your drawing with the lasso tool, copy it, and paste it on the next frame
  2. Go where you can see all your frames, the Frames Viewer. Select your frame, copy it, and paste it after the original one.
  3. Long press the add frame, which is the last frame in the timeline. Select the clone last frame option. Now pressing the add frame it will clone the last frame.

Thanks Ian and Duanra for the help!


For option 3 in Duanra's instructions above, you first need to long press the plus sign to set the copying option.


3 ways to do it.

1 select your drawing with the selecting tool, copy it and paste it on the next frame

2 Go where you can see all your frames. Select your frame, copy it and paste it after the original one.

3 if it is the last frame, tap the plus sign beside the last frame and it will duplicate your frame.

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