Add Undo - Redo shortcuts

  • updated
  • Planned

It will be great, to have the option, to do undo/redo with hardware volume up/down buttons as it was done in other drawing apps.

Duplicates 8
Please let me help add 2-finger undo

I know a lot of people have asked for this over the years. I'm on Android and we still don't have 2-finger tap undo. Is there something making it difficult to add this feature? Is there any way I can help with testing or even writing it?

Two finger undo and three finger redo

Just like in ProCreate (my main app to use). They have redo and undo, as does this app, and I’m sure all drawing ones. But for ProCreate, to undo you tap with two fingers. And with redo, you tap with three fingers. Now let me say, as an avid ProCreate user, I have odd dots all over my FlipaClip drawings.... hoping this can be added!

undo & redo function

could you consider that you put a double tap function for undo(/redo) ? like Procreate. 

i like your product and it is pretty much handy and useful i have to say, thnx.

Fix the undo/redo buttons in the app!

When you press the back button and go back to the gallery, and then you open the project again, can you fix it so that you can still undo your work from when you last had it open? Because i hate when i make a mistake and then accidentally press the backbutton, then now all my work is ruined forever.

Also could you move the "back to gallery" arrow some where else?? Its confusing to have it in the top left where you can easily mistake it for the undo/redo buttons. Or at least put an "are you sure you want to exit" message before closing the project and permanently making the project unfixable! To give people a second chance to save their work! I really love this app and ive been using it for years and its just these little things that ruin the experience.

Fingers for lasso. 2 fingers to undo, 3 fingers to redo. (When Stylus to draw)

please, improve UI. 

Use Fingers for lasso. Tap 2 fingers to undo, tap 3 fingers to redo.

This will make  drawing and animation much faster!

(for those who has a  Stylus / apple pencil to draw)

Thank you

Custom placement of undo button

just a suggestion! I would love to be able to have the undo button on the left side so that I can draw with my right and undo with my left. Thus I propose choosing a left or right mode for the undo, so people can choose based on their preference or if they're right/left handed. 

This would really speed up the workflow and put less strain on the arm! I hope you consider it.

Undo redo layers

can you add a undo redo section on the layers menu cause sometimes it's a pain if you delete the wrong layer

Undo/Redo keyboard shortcuts?

I noticed there are some keyboard shortcuts already, but none to undo or redo (e.g. ctrl+z & ctrl+y). Could these be added?

Pinned replies
Igor Mitrovic
  • Answer

Thank you for your great ideas : ) This is something that is considered in future updates.

Igor Mitrovic
  • Answer

Thank you for your great ideas : ) This is something that is considered in future updates.

Alex Tautu
  • Nice To Have

Somewhat related, would it also be possible to add Ctrl/Command + C and Ctrl/Command + V as a keyboard shortcuts for copying and duplicating a frame? It’s very useful when you’re doing storyboards or animatics and have to spend most of the time duplicating frames to get the exact timing.

Thank you.



Any chance you may finally add gesture ?

At least undo (double finder tap) and redo (three finger tap) ?


Adding gestures for undo (double finger tap) and redo (three finger tap) is a MUST have!

The above is already included in several apps out there and is already became an almost common sense behaviour.

PLEASE add these gestures in to FlipaClip app!

Jona Co-Founder & Lead Developer
  • Planned
Jona Co-Founder & Lead Developer
  • Nice To Have
  • Under review

Hello there! We do appreciate your suggestions! We'll be forwarding this to our developers for further review. Thank you!