Post YOUR finished Animation

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It would be cool to have a showcase of things that were animated with Flipaclip:

Reply with your Final Videos :)

Here's my first work done. A few weeks ago I was sent to Pictoplasma Animation Conference NYC by Booooooom's amazing creative community  & LOJEL. 

After the event, I animated the speaker's words of wisdom (if you are interested why the animations look like they look, you can read about it at

If you have any questions about the progress feel free to ask :)


Duplicates 19

Like there should be a feature where I can post and real people can see the stuff I post and I can see they post.


Hi, im just na animator...

Hi, I absolutely love this app and I think it would be very useful to have a forum community to post animations, obviously being able to block ones that are inappropriate or maybe delete them- Thank you for this app!

¿Hola amigos, cómo puedo participar y que salgan mis animaciones?

Hello friends, how can I participate and have my animations come out?

We should have a website that every Flipaclip animator can share their art or ideas with others.
My brother needs a haircut so badly that he looks like a were-loofah!
EM: annoying EM

Hi I started my youtube channel with flipa clip.Need your support

Hi am not a gacha editoer
On this post reply with challenges to do

As I said in the please do reply with challenges to do ,also you can do each other’s challenges and post your animation on this post.

My first project


Hi I’m not a gacha editor lol bye
Cartoon for kids
create small animation

i create a cartoon on my instagram account @em_cartoon_ 

and i used in this video FlipaClip app . i hope you like it.

A community to post the animations on

Hi, I was wondering if, as an idea, you could maybe add a community to post your animations on, that’s included on the app, because it would be great for people that want to share their animations.  Thanks!

Harry Potter
Add a thing that can make animators make animation challenges world wide!

When I heard of the contests the app does, I was thinking of the app adding something that can let animators make contest/challenges for every animator with FlipAClip can do. 


Hello, FlipaClip! I was thinking, we should have an area where we can post our animations, kinda like PicsArt (but with animations). We could have a warning for 18+ content so that nobody sees anything they shouldn’t. Thank you for reading

Add a area where we can create our own contest

It would be cool to have a way to create your own contest with your own topic for people to join when they are bored or have nothing to animate 

Quote from paulfromaus

Awesome animations. 

Well done and keep up the great work. 


Thanks Paul! :)


its so GREAT animation !!!! l like it ...cheers

i liked this idea so much..and i think if this happened already , flipaclip will be more famous more x 10000000..... sinces it will be like a social media where animator community will increases and interact with each other works,, comments on it or rate/react.. and when flipaclip have their contests..they can announce it there,, and they can post there work simply there..

i think it will be so hard if it will become social media,, so maybe just a gallery is so acceptable for me too..i liked it

Dusan Kolic

Hey, check this forum post:

Feel free to upload your animations there, we would like to see them :)

Quote from NNW

More animations I did with FlipaClip. Backgrounds done in ProCreate & "Composition" in FinalCut :)

Let's make a gallery with animations done in FlipaClip ;)

Great job and awesome work. thanks for sharing bro!

robério de lima

Meu primeiro clip

Dusan Kolic
  • Thanks
Quote from robério de lima

Meu primeiro clip

Great animation, we would love to see more :)


Great work Robério !

Here's the Flipaclip Animation Workflow for the Gumball Animation I posted earlier:


Good morning! Here is the storyboard version of The Cave 2.0. A animated cartoon series I started working on a couple of months ago. Lost about 25 days, but wait, ..It's better if you read it yourself, the link is under the pics.I'LL update if there are any questions~A. Yobi B., The DIY Animator. There are 2 clips in the article. Tools: FlipAClip was 1st, then Autodesk Sketchbook and PS Sketch and Adobe Draw.

The Cave 2.0~ Plato's Allegory Updated for a Modern World, Episode 1, Enter Red, <----link to vid clips

my apologies for the presentation of an incomplete animation, it's my  1st animation ever and I started this art thing last May. No training so I am learning as I go. :)I do have another cartoon series i am developing that will alternate episode releases with this TC2.0; Street Fool