Add more brushes

  • updated
  • Planned

Hi flipaclip everything is going great so far, could you guys add more brushes, that would be great. It would be awesome if there were more brushes, the usual is ok but it would really help those who draw on your awesome app (me)

Duplicates 75
Air Brush Tool?

It would be nice to get a brush with blurred edges. The eraser can already be edited to have blurred edges, anyways.

Add more brushes
I really love this app, it's just, there needs to be more brushes that's all
Hi flipaclip creators!! Soo.. i was wondering if You could add gradient into flipaclip, Maybe more layers, and Maybe like a lighting brush? So that You could make like a lamp glow!!
add new brushes

type an airbrush or a blur

Gradient tool: Like add a gradients tool you choose 2-4 colors and paint tool it

You guys should totally add a neon paint brush. I think that would be extremely legendary!

Add more stylus types please

Can you please add more stylus types or at least the black web stylus if you could I would appreciate it so much thanks for your time

New brush idea

Hi I think is would be cool if you could possibly add a spray can or something like that šŸ™‚

Add More drawing tools
If only there are different types of brushes.
Different fill tool settings

Sometimes when I animate, I like to make gradation shading but it's really hard to do it by hand and on Autodesk sketchbook they have 2 different fill tool settings, one is the normal fill tool, second is gradation fill tool, I can choose the colors I want on Autodesk and was thinking you guys can add that feature too, and it will make animating so much easier, if you guys can add that, that will be great, thanks!

Drawing tools

I need more drawings tools !

We need airbrush

Airbrush is wonderful tool to add shadows because doing it with marker is very big trouble, and if I want to mix some colors together like doing gradient is a big trouble too

What about an ANIME brush or like a SHADE brush

Cuz most people donā€™t know how to draw anime and......

New modes

I think you should add some more settings for paint. Maybe more kinds of things what we can draw. 

      Thank you!      

Brushes and tools

Some feedback from someone who literally JUST started using the app, the app is amazing, the interface is brilliant and so easy to work with, and the app itself is user friendly and easy to figure out, 

My proposed feedback is the tools options, there is only a pen, even 3 or 4 more brushes would be really handy, and the eraser only comes in one size and as someone who uses apps like photoshop and sketchbook comstantly having a changeable eraser size really comes in handy.

Can you add me like More kinds of brushes
Can you add a air brush feature?

It would help with back grounds, eyes, amd more.

Hi! Can you pleaseee add more brushes? Like airbrush and stuff :D ty
Custom tool bar

What would be very useful would be a place you could put different brushes you want to switch between quickly.  

Add more brushes like stretching and bliling
Avatar Fox
Add a pixel-style brush I think the app would be more famous if it could do animation in pixel art
Please add air brushes or more brushes that glow i want to animate the effects, Thank you.
New brushes

Im having trouble animating because of the brush selection

More pencil
Will flipaclip have more brushes in the future?

I think it would help out every one if there's more brushes it would be easier for everyone


-a brush with a sharp edge

-blurr brush


gradients options

make it possible for the paint bucket to have gradient options, for example: if the object is blue but you want it shaded from blue to black you make a starting point from what shade of blue to start on, then the end point if you want to shade lighter or darker, you should make this an unlocker feature

New Brushes

Pen brush and eraser opacity - excellent :-)

Image 114

More layers & paint brushes
Being able to use more than just 6 layers would prove to be much more useful & having a few more different brush types would allow for more detail!
A gradient tool?

This would be nice to have so we don't have to only use the marker or something

it would be very nice to have for animation

Daha Ƨok kalem koymalısınız
maybe more brushes
Air brush tool

it would be cool if there could be a air brush tool for like belnding colors,making shine and other stuff.

Better brushes

Better grafic,like how you draw on ibis paint or like on pc cause the brush is bad so I will not pass to the computer and I will stay here :ā€™D

Require more Smooth pens and brushes. The wavy lines upset an lot.

Require more Smooth pens and brushes. The wavy lines upset an lot. The output drawn with pen looks as if itā€™s drawn by a kid. Please do something...

Gradient Fill/Brushes

It would be nice if you could add custom gradient fills and colours.

Not easy to use

Not feeling clip art man...need more pen...and you must constantly click threw sections to get what you's tiring..can't crate single animation scene...make colours, pen etc display on screen without clicking through to get some things

Add some kinds of pen like sharp pencil air brush like that
Could you add a ā€œcrayonā€ tool?

Iā€™d love to see a ā€œcrayonā€ drawing tool!

wish to add different pens like sharp pens like that... thank you...

adding some variety of pens to use thank you....

New idea

my. Name is hassan and i think it would be nice to have more than one type of pen you should put brushes sprays watercolor and more just like paint from Microsoft i hope you see this 

Best wishes hassan. 

Can you guys add more brushes?

It's seems to be annoying to create masterpieces without any varieties of type of material of use. I think it would be nice to have more tools rather than the standards.

Idea for a future update

On the lasso, I want to be able to stretch the selected theme in all directions so it should be a circle instead.

I think another brush should be added called the custom brush. You can add textures to your art with this brush. How you use this is you use the lasso to select the texture and on the side there is a custom brush so you press that and it takes you to the custom brush and it takes you to a screen that you circle the parts you want to be randomized every time you use the brush. You can select more a one places to be randomized. You can save the brush texture to the side by holding it in to a box shaped thing and you can use it again. You can make the texture by pressing a name button.

Brushes And Layers

I think we need more brushes that way the animation can have more texture and look a lot nicer. Also we need more layers. On average I use about 13 layers so only using 3 is very hard for me. Also I donā€™t know if your willing to do this or not but can we please get rid of the watermark? I know itā€™s supposed to advertise you and take credit for what weā€™ve created but if I were to join a MAP most of the time people donā€™t want watermarks in their video so I canā€™t join since FlipaClip has a watermark. I am aware that you can get rid of it but it costs money and I donā€™t think itā€™s worth it. So if you read this please take these things into consideration! And thanks! 

My sugestion is to please add more brushes to use with along with custom brushes made by us and community.

add more brushes types or more styles insted of the simple line why not a fun funky swivel line or a circle line or a scorched line the option to get more or let us make our own custom lines and let the community make thier own and share to one another to animate in that's my suggestion.

Include more brushes similar to ibisPaint x

Iā€™ve been using your app since a few months after release I love how you guys came so far and was hoping that you can add more brushes like ā€œairbrush, airbrush trapezoid 40-60%, and the ink pen similar to ibisPaint x brushes! I really hope they get added it would improve my animations more thank you for reading this! ā­ļø


This is a great app but it would totally be nicer if you add more brushes and tools that is similar to any drawing apps. I don't mind paying additional  as long as you guys figure out how to improve this app for the greater good. Thankyou

Different brushes
Avatar RAk

Please please please if we could have different brushes or even more settings for the brushes


I would like to see a sort of refined pressure sensitivity with the Apple Pencil.  I feel like Itā€™s more of a technical tip than a studio pen from procreate.  I like the studio pen a lot more because of the ability to go from a very thick line to a very fine one in stead of having to use the slider a ton.  Not a real problem but just a little thing I would like to see incorporated in the software.  Love your stuff but can have some new brushes.  Like glow brushes.  That would be nice.

Implementing original brushes, this could be part of the premium pack!!

you could let people implement costum brushes, though it would just be a yreat to have 

add new brushes

type an airbrush or a blur


 I use a Gaomon Tablet to draw on my phone, just found out about Flipaclip and would love for it to have a display brush cursor so I can see where my brush is while using the tablet, maybe add pressure opacity too? I know many people also use drawing tablets on phones, that would be of much use.

New tools idea

Hey can you guys add tools like an airbrush tool, splatter brush tool, and other cool tools like that? I would love it if you guys could do that. If you read this than I appreciate that! 

Gradient tool

Is Gradient gonna be possible in flipaclip?

just giving you suggestion :v swoosh

Add more brush settings

Hey! Love the app, definitely my fave animation program. Though I do ask that you add more brush settings, and when you copy and paste, it makes the lineart pixelated, that's kinda annoying. Thanks!

can we diff liners please

can we have different type of line art? like for an example, when you start drawing the line starts skinny/thin then it gets to thick/fat

thats the type of line art I want to draw with. I hope you can make it into a purchase option because some people may not want it. but I would buy it for even 20$ or I don't care how much. but I am desperate to have the type of line art.

Add more draw tools and options
thanks for update and new tools !!
Possibility for more brushes options? like min and max width and pressure options?
Maybe transparency on differents layers? to clean animation for example...
So the eraser by button is a rich idea ;-)
We are waiting for sound ;-)
THANK YOU Flipaclip !!
Add more brushes and brush settings

Sometimes I use other apps like Medibang to draw the background for my animations because I have more bruses and brush settings ,but I think Flipaclip should have those features aswell.

Here are the settings that every brush should have:

- size

- opacity

- pressure sensitivity(size variation)

- pressure sensitivity(opacity variation)

Here are some of the brushes you shold add:

- airbrush(you shold be able to change the blur,aswell as the other settings that I mentioned earlier)

- oil brush(it should have a color mixing facility option kinda like in Mediband,that will make the current color of the brush be able to mix with other colors that allready exist on the current layer)

Flipaclip is the best animation app I`ve ever seen and I think that these brushes and brush settings would make it even better.

Why isnt there an airbrush?

Why isnt there an airbrush on flipaclip and why wasnt there one when it came out???

add an airbrush tool!

it would be really useful

Met pens

I want more pens as only three makes it hardto draw plz at least add two moreĀ 

Image 1109

Noise brush
Avatar wil

A noise brush for shadow would be dope 

Airbrush And Blur Tool

Iā€™d love if you were to add an airbrush and blur tool. It would really help my animations and many other people. Iā€™ve paid for the premium and want to see a little more in the app so me and others can all have an easier time. Thanks!

Paint bucket Capacity And more drawing tools
More types of pens and pencil textures

For all platforms of flip a clip there should be more types of artistic tools like a spray paint can or crayon, the ideas are infinite.  This will expand the boring 4 and make it interesting fun.

-But if this is to happen may we have a ā€˜custom pencil caseā€™ where like colour presets we have presets for the pens pencils and more (5 at most please).

-And the fans/ active animators should make a choice over which ones we want. 

My ideas

I really thing that it would be pretty cool if you add more brushes and flitters and etc. 

Like, what adope animate has I guess.. 

(Just saying djejegjegwks)

Some tools that will make the app Gucci!

So thereā€™s a brush I want you to add. Itā€™s called:Ā AirbrushĀ 
itā€™s something in ibis paint that I love using :3

Image 1165

and another thing I want you to add is 2 more tools that I like in ibis paintĀ 

Itā€™s called the blur tool and magic brush, the magic brush makes a mask on the part that you want and itā€™s so cool! And you can draw in the mask! Also the blur tool can blur stuff and yea

Image 1166

Image 1167

In my personal opinion

I think in the premium bundle of FlipaClip they should add more donā€™t get me wrong all that for that price is worth my money

But I wish there was more like in procreate they are many brushes and something I would love to see in FlipaClip is more brushes and downloadable brushes made by the community in a Brush customization menu

Each user would have 5 preset brushes with 5 slots of custom brushes or downloadable onesĀ 

Like in this imageĀ 

That would be the basic brush editor

Anyway thatā€™s all

I know you guys work hard on FlipaClip so I donā€™t really expect this feature to be implemented but it would be a game changing one so to the FlipaClip team please consider my idea

Image 1074

Add more tools

Please add:

- more tools (Airbrush, blur, add custom brushes, etc)

- add effects (glitch, pop up, slide right/up/left/down, etc)

- more layer ( i already purchase the premium features, but the max layers only 12 layers, so can you please add more layers?)

- clipping layers, type of layers (overlay, multiplay, add, etc)

- please make the bucket tool easier to use

please add those tools, so I donā€™t have to download more apps (like editing apps). And if you add those tools, itā€™s really give me a big and nice effect to me because Iā€™m an animator on YouTube. Thank you!

I just have a suggestion

Can you add more tools like pen shade, airbrush ,Smudge,and a blur tool it would be really helpful also i suggest adding more layers itā€™ll make it easier for the users i animate for YouTube and i think it would put more quality into my stuff and others  :D ty for reading

New tools?

I would like Iā€™f you added a few new tools for drawing like airbrush or airbrush eraser?

More brushes?
New Brushes!!

You guys should add new brushes šŸ¤©šŸ¤©that would be cool and a magic wand tool like in ibis paint!!

Pinned replies
Jona Co-Founder & Lead Developer
  • Answer
  • Planned

More brushes will be added in the near future. Anyone looking for particular brushes please feel free to post a comment! Include pictures or whatever you feel can help us understand what brush you like to have. Thanks!

corrin ramey
Quote from monique njemini

Itā€™s skip to 2:15 for it btw

Iā€™ve seen that vid already but i meh Iā€™d liked to do it without doing tricks i just need the tool itā€™s less time consuming but thanks anyways qwq

monique njemini
Quote from monique njemini

Hi corrin if you want to learn how to do blur this video helps! Unfortunately I donā€™t know what do about the others though. Have a nice day!

Itā€™s skip to 2:15 for it btw

monique njemini

Hi corrin if you want to learn how to do blur this video helps! Unfortunately I donā€™t know what do about the others though. Have a nice day!


Yes! The idea sound great!

john emilio kaweesa

Spray paint can should have an opacity tweaker and a roughness texture tweaker, so if you want sharp pixels or a soft blend into nothing


add an airbrush!

WS 13

Are you still planning to add more brush on this, dev? If so, I will consider buying pro.


niye Ƨok kalem yok

Ssk Smith

Hi buddy, I agree to this, if done could be a better way to use the app.


Noel Smith

s fell

chevk out sketch book Pro .  Nice brushes there 
