Add collaboration option

  • updated
  • Nice To Have

if you sign in to an account, you can look for other users and add a friend. 

you can invite the user to collab with you and they will join working on the project.

you can still zoom in and out, and the zooming doesn't follow on their screen. it will show them drawings lines, though.

Duplicates 24
Work with teams


Have a group work
An idea
  • A way to be able to do collaborative animations 
  • A blender tool (to blend colour for shading etc
Co-op project worker

This function that you can invite friends to help you with a project/animation and have fun while work is done easier!(Note this is an idea for the developers)

how to collab

so I want to collab with a friend to make a animation meme but i don't know how...

Hopefully you can help!😁

I was thinking of two people working on 1 project .... Play google slides? .... so if other animators are doing a colab
Shared projects with a friend

We could share a project with friend so that both the people can work together.

Ways to have collaborations

I took this idea from another person that I saw had the same idea but ima say it here

haveing a way to do collab animations would be awesome, you could do professional things or you can mess around and have fun, you could also had a button where you can text and send pictures so you can talk.. it’s just an idea but it would be fun!!!

Multiplayer drawing contest

Image 1195

A new feature that you can play multiplayer and challenge for the best drawing 

Co-op Mode

Hello! I would like to announce my idea of a co-op mode. Yes, many people love working by themselves, but I thought that if a group has the right idea and motivation, they should all be able to work on the exact same animation at once, and what better way to do it than in a user friendly, multi-user animation program. The flipaclip co-op mode would be activated within the animation settings. Once turned on, a code would be presented somewhere alongside the user’s screen. The user would, then, send this code to a friend/friends. These other users would then load up flipaclip, create a new animation, and enter the code in which they were given. It would possibly take a minute, but the cloud would pull through and pull up the entire animation. Then, if one user were to create a new frame and add artwork to it, everyone working on the project would see it. This would cause for easier group projects and an overall fun experience for friendly animators!

Something for collabs

So, here’s an idea! I would think that you could collab by adding People to it, but they must have an account on FlipaClip, So here’s how: Step 1: You first make a new animation. Step 2: Press the ‘Add People’ button. Step 3: Type is the Account Username and press add, then it will find the person with the exact username, but if there’s 2+ people with the same name, it will show the usernames and the person then can pick who to add. Step 3: Send a notification saying: ‘Your in (username)’s collab! Unlock your iPad and head into the FlipaClip app, there should be a sign in the corner saying: ‘Press this to accept the invite to the collab’ when you press it, it will say ‘Are you sure?’ 
                                                                       ‘Yes? No?’
Step 4: Press Yes or no and ur done!

Sharing to other flipaclip members

Can you add a share project feature so I can have my friend who is also a member work on the project with me at the same time through flipaclip? It might be on premium but maybe you could add it on regular but have a limit like you can only share it to one friend. Please I'm begging you I want this animation done before I die. I have this app on my chromebook the newest version.

An Idea i thought of :3

So, I’m on the Flipaclip beta right? And I thought of an idea!  So, my idea was maybe (if it isn’t too much) you guys could add a collab button? Basically what I thought of for it is maybe when you tap it, it shows you your shared projects, Collab invitations, and the exported/movies of the shared projects. In the shared projects you could put a plus button and when you tap on it, it shows the same thing when you make a normal project (the information, like fps and stuff) but when you scroll down, it says share (so like basically you put the person you want to share the project with’s email  that they signed up with for Flipaclip) and when they accept the invitation, you can go in the project and see the work they’ve done in the project/ the work they’re doing. It would be really helpful if you added this because me and my best friend are trying to collab but it’s kinda hard to without this feature. Anyways, yeah!

Image 1069

To be able to send animations so others can collab and help work on it to

It would be an awesome feature for people to be able to send animations back and forth to each other on the app. It could help others collaborate or get help from more experienced people!


I think that you should add groups, where people can make movies and animations. I think it would be cool to make new things with people. 

Collaboration in real time

I'd love a way to work with someone, akin to that of the Google suite in real time

Collaboration = fun

Imagine if we had a collaboration thing, we could collab on animations with friends, and there could be a chat button where we can either call or chat on , I think that would be cool, does anyone else think that would be cool.

A community within FlipaClip

I think it would be a really cool idea if you could somehow add a sharing community so you could share your animations with other people inside of FlipaClip :)


I think we should do a animal contest and see who can best animate a animal respecting the new rules for Quarantine

Easier animation collabs

I think there should collaborate in one project, at the same time using any FlipaClip account. I think it would really help those animators who want to collab with others at the same time. ( please make it free of use, without the premium payment, because there are some animators who don’t have the premium) 

Two or more people can animate at once

Dear FlipaClip,

Hello to the creators of FlipaClip, I know you have some suggestions of this idea but hear me out, can you add a premium feature where we can can work on an animation - real time.

I hope you read this. This can help people who are making short animations or even a show on your app. For me I think that this will be a good idea. 



Working with more people on the same Animation?


I'm pretty much a new user that got invited by a friend that has used this app for quite a while, we are both hobbyist artists, both moving to digital art and loving to animate, I've done only but a few animations on the other hand my friend has done quite a lot of them and is pretty experienced with a lot of apps. 



Is there a way that you guys can add some online support lets say like the app "Draw Something" but both people can draw at the same time or maybe a way to share the Animation File so my friend can add time consuming things such as Shading/Colors while I'm away and then she can send me the animation fall back so I can continue... 

That would be a cool idea, the first option being a bit more complex for the devs ( that's my guess ) and the second one easy for everyone both artist and developer.

My best regards!


More than one person being able to work on an animation

I have an idea. It would be really cool if there was an ability to send animations between users with layers and audio and frames intact, sort of like google docs! This would make working on the same animation much easier. Then users could do things like in-betweening and colouring and all that jazz!

Build a project together, share and create with others

If you were able to share build a movie by sharing it kind of like Google slides and stuff like that if you know what I mean by sharing it would be cool

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Jona Co-Founder & Lead Developer
  • Answer
  • Nice To Have

Thanks for sharing you idea. Yes, it would be awesome to allow multiple users work on the animation at a time. This is something we look forward to adding in the future.

Korin (Support)
  • Answered

Hey Edwin Gonzalez, in fact we already have a system in place that lets you do that with premium. Go to your project and long press till you get a small sub menu. There will be a option to share that file to a cloud, there you can send that file wherever you want to or to whoever you want to. 

Jona Co-Founder & Lead Developer
  • Answer
  • Nice To Have

Thanks for sharing you idea. Yes, it would be awesome to allow multiple users work on the animation at a time. This is something we look forward to adding in the future.


Use an editor.



  • Planned

Hi, it's a great idea. It is something we would love to support in a future update.

Me, jay

yes I agree, with a app all about animation, me and my friends were planing on making a small show. A good idea, but the thing is that we want to talk to eachother while we animate. I feel this will have a good impact between this app because you guys could get more people using your app and possibly get more money if they like it.

Chayse (CoolcidProd)

Yeah, like there could be a “Share Project” button, and somebody else could download it on their device and continue working on it!


when I say that, I mean having a work together kinda project


oh, that would be a good thing to add. sadly you can't do this yet.


I needed to make an animation with two other people for something, so we made an account together and I started a project. I clicked the cloud and sent it to them via text, then to myself just to see if it works. It didn’t. How come? Is it because I texted instead of attaching it via email or?

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