How to make a transparent background on my image?

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  • Answered

When pasting an image from photos I want to crop out the background for example just wanting the body, only wanting that in the frame I would have to go all around with a stylist or my finger. Is there any way where it could automatically crop or make it as a transparent image?

Duplicates 5
It wud be cool if u add an option to crop the back ground too in the next update,the option can be turned on/off in settings

do it , it wud b really helpful

Toggle off background when animating

I would like to turnoff the reference background when playback or when animating but I can’t find a way to do that


Well i wish a feature to add transparent backround for mp4 Because i need it really >~< It would save my life ;-;

How do I get a transparent bg?

How can I obtain a transparent bg?


I have made images that are transparent and when I add the image to FlipaClip it’s not transparent it’s a white box and when I take a transparent image off the internet and it’s actually transparent please answer back as soon as possible thanks

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Jona Co-Founder & Lead Developer
  • Answer
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At the moment we don't support setting a transparent background. However, when building a movie we support setting a transparent background for some output formats. Please let us know how are you planning to use transparent background so we can get a better idea. Thanks!

Quote from Dusan Kolic

Hi Marshall, the problem was with the image itself. I have made a transparent background for you and you can download it here: 

I tried and it is working fine on my side.

If you want your movie to have a transparent background also you need to export it as a PNQ Sequence.




But they will be seperate pictures, could't Flipa just export them as a gif and have transparent background? Then when I send the gif as a emoji through apps, it will not be so suqre.

Dusan Kolic
Quote from Marshall

I have the same problem too.

Even use a transparent png as background (I upload it below) , it change into a black background somehow.

What coulde I do if I want the GIF's background become tranparent?

it become black

that's my transparent png

Hi Marshall, the problem was with the image itself. I have made a transparent background for you and you can download it here: 

I tried and it is working fine on my side.

If you want your movie to have a transparent background also you need to export it as a PNQ Sequence.




I have the same problem too.

Even use a transparent png as background (I upload it below) , it change into a black background somehow.

What coulde I do if I want the GIF's background become tranparent?

it become black

that's my transparent png

Dusan Kolic
Quote from Robe boys

onlinepngtools did not work for me have any other alternative solutions like a different transparent website 

There are a lot of free online tools, you can also try


Robe boys

onlinepngtools did not work for me have any other alternative solutions like a different transparent website 

Dusan Kolic
  • Answered


Those pictures that you have uploaded do not have a transparent background so the issue is with images.

There are some free online tools that can make a transparent background on your images. One of those tools is

I have just made a transparent background on one of your image so you can test it out.

Robe boys

I still have more

Robe boys

Robe boys

ok so I can come back here and keep sending images cause I have a lot

Dusan Kolic

You have an option to add image here, please check the screenshot below:

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