Would it be possible to send prize(s) from the contest to a different location?

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    I’m a minor, and, though I may not enter/win the contest “Find Your Star”, I’ll ask anyway in the case that I may end up participating. Would it be possible to send a prize(s) from the contest “Find Your Star” to a different location? 

    For some context, I currently reside in the Philippines but will be moving to the United States soon and continue my classes there. My dad lives there currently, and he’ll be picking my mom and me pretty soon. However, the contest may be finished before we move, and it would be pointless to send anything because all of the packages my mom had ordered before arrived late. So I was hoping that if I were to receive anything (probably not though lol), it could be sent to my dad’s address.

    [okay, I now realize how narcissistic I probably sound, but I just wanna be cautious: l]

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Dusan Kolic
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It would be possible to send it to any address you want :)



Dusan Kolic
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It would be possible to send it to any address you want :)



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