
How to change the speed of your animation?

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Can the frame rate be reduced to a value of 1/2 or 1/3? My animation is like PPT. There is a lot of content on each page. Now the speed is too fast. I want to put the content of one frame to three frames, so can you increase these value?

Duplicates 26
Como abaxar a velocidade da animação?
A problem

It,s good but you can,t change the speed of the animation witch sucks but it is good 

How do you change how many frames per second in the new update
Animation plays to fast
How do you edit the “fps” while in the animation?
Can you make a 0.5 fps rate bcause I want to tell a story through animation and it's too faste
My preview sped up 2x and is half the length though all of the media is shown. How do I fix it?
I a confuzzled kid plz help

So whenever I make my anamation it goes really fast. Why?

How to make the animation slow
If we have a lot of frames the animation will be slower ?

Hello, if we have a lot of frames ,our animation will be slower ?? Please reply ASAP

Thank you 

How to set speed
how to change the speed for your movies

i dont know how to change the speed setting for my movies

How do i slow down a movie?

속도를 좀 줄여주세요 너무 빨라요

How to get a slow motion effect on ipad version?

No matter how many frames I draw, they will finish in one second.  How can I slow down the movement of the frames down, e.g. showing the slow falling down of petals?  Thx.

How do u slow down your animation?

Plz help

I love th is ap but I wish you could choose how fast your movie is
How do you chance the speed of the pictures showing?

i can't find out how to change the speed

Number of frames

 I think when you’re making your FlipaClip and choosing your background there should be a thing little  set allows you to choose how many frames you want in the flip a clip. Because if that were to happen it would make it easier for people like me who put all their flip a clip  frames in first. 

speed meter

There should be a speed meter for the movies.

Can you make the numbers one-five a bit slower? Please. wer

Can you please make thw numbers one through fix and fix slower please the song I'm trying to animate won't work unless the seconds are slowed down a bit more I apologize


it would be good if you could animate in 60 fps and certain frames could be les fps so if you whanted some frames to be 30 fps, some 15 fps, and some 60 fps

Playback speed

Hope we can manipulate the speed of the animation

Control the frames per second

want that in a future version can be controlled because already making an app of that in android but I know that in flipaclip would be easier and better greetings good app.

How can slow the video? / Nasıl video yavaş olabilir ?

How can I make my animation slow?

How to make a scence into slowmotion

how to make a scence into  slowmotion

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Jona Co-Founder & Lead Developer
  • Answer
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In order to make something seem to go slower, you will need to draw a lot more frames with smaller movement increments. This will give you the slow motion feeling.

So if your project is at 12 FPS you need to draw 12 frames to have 1 second of video. If you draw a ball dropping on those 12 frames you could add a frame in-between each to make the ball dropping animation take 2 seconds. You would need to draw the in-between frames.

Dusan Kolic
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The frames per second "FPS" allows you to control how many frames are shown in 1 second. If you already created an animation at say 12 FPS (which is standard in the animation industry) and you raise the FPS to something higher the animation will look faster.
To learn more about FPS you can read this article.

To change the speed of your animation in FlipaClip just follow these simple steps below.

  1. Open your project and tap 3 little circles button at the top of your screen.

       2. Go to Project Settings

        3. Tap on FPS

     4. Choose your speed by changing the FPS (frames per second).
     If you want to speed up the animation, you just have to increase the frames per second and decrease the frames per          second if you want it to go slower

     5. After you have chosen the desired speed tap OK in the top right corner.


By lowering the frame rate in settings.

Jona Co-Founder & Lead Developer
  • Answered

Very easy! Here is one way to do it.

  1. Open the project you want to update.
  2. Once opened tap on the 3 dots button located at the top right corner.
  3. In this menu select Project settings.
  4. Once on the project settings tap on the button under the section Choose frames per second.
  5. Now you can select the frames per second.

Jona Co-Founder & Lead Developer
  • Answered

Great question! Please take a look at the following wiki post that should answer your question. Essentially you control it by understanding what frames per second means.

Jona Co-Founder & Lead Developer
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In order to make something seem to go slower, you will need to draw a lot more frames with smaller movement increments. This will give you the slow motion feeling.

So if your project is at 12 FPS you need to draw 12 frames to have 1 second of video. If you draw a ball dropping on those 12 frames you could add a frame in-between each to make the ball dropping animation take 2 seconds. You would need to draw the in-between frames.

Jona Co-Founder & Lead Developer
  • Answered

Please take a look at the following wiki. It should hopefully give you an idea of how frames per seconds works.


I have a amazon tablet and this doesnt show up for me


Like, I need help s l o w I n g   d o w n.  M y   a n I m a t I o n

Jona Co-Founder & Lead Developer
  • Answered

Hey! The app shows you so many frames at every second. You can control how many frames will be shown every second. This is called frames per second, FPS, setting. This is located under the project settings.

To learn more about how FPS works please check this link out!

Jona Co-Founder & Lead Developer
  • Answered

I need help slowing dowm my animation

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