Previewing skips frame

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  • Under review

So, there’s this thing where when I preview an animation, it always skips the a frame.

Here’s an example:
You have a project that has 1fps and you wanna preview it, so you go over to the final frame (let’s say it’s the 11th frame) and press play. But you notice that the 1st frame doesn’t show up, you stop and see if it’s there, which it is. The 1st frame is there but the preview starts on the 2nd frame instead of the 1st. You check on your other projects to see if this happens. After checking, you discover that this is happening on all your projects and that to see the 1st frame, you must begin the preview whilst on the second-to-last frame (Which would be the 10th frame for this example). Whatever frame you start on, the frame after that one is skipped during the preview.

That wasn’t really an example, that happened to me TwT

Basically, if you start previewing whilst you are on the 7th frame, the 8th frame would be skipped. Or if you preview whilst on the final frame, the 29th for example, the 1st frame would be skipped and the preview would start on the 2nd. ._.

Now, hopefully I’ve actually explained this in a way that is understandable, and if not, I’ve wasted my time on this. Basically, when previewing, the first frame that would’ve been shown is skipped.

Hopefully you understand what I've just said and are able to try and fix this in the future. Thanks for listening to me ramble on about this! 👍

(Also, if it helps, I animate on iPhone 6s, iOS and I am on FlipaClip version 1.4.5)

Duplicates 4
Idea/bug on the app

I would like at least for the premium feature, there is a skip button in the app opening intro.
Second, you should fix this bug that when your previewing your project, it sometimes doesn’t render a frame or two. Please fix this. It’s very important to professional animators or average animators.
I dont’t know if this bug is on android too.

Frames jumping in playback

During the animation play back my frames jump to areas they shouldn’t. The frames would appear to be in an area when they actually aren’t there at all and were further back in the animation. Its just really annoying for me since it looks like I’ve made tons of mistakes while in fact it’s just these frames jumping and flashing in areas. This occurs in all my projects no matter how many layers or FPS I’m using. I really need help 🥺🙏

When you tap to stop playing your animation, the frame you stopped in will be the frame you will be on

Im not so sure about other animators, but usually when i animate i see an error in a frame in the middle of my animation and I tap to show my animation but it would be cool for me to be to be in the same frame as the error. Thats one of the situations id use it in. 

Maybe for the people who wouldnt like that you can add it as an option in FlipaClip settings

Something’s wrong when I play my animation

FlipaClip is a great animation app, but of course there will be bugs. 

I’m not really sure if its a glitch or bug but whenever i play my animations (either a work in progress or just playing a complete one) it would always show a previous frame few seconds after the animation is played. I hope you get what i said, i’m not very good at explaining. 

Igor Mitrovic
  • Not enough info

Hey Amélie,

Thank you for reporting this and for the description.

Could you also test one project for us, for example, simple 5 lines on 5 frames and will it reproduce the same problem? Also what resolution is used.



Amélie Hale
Quote from Igor Mitrovic

Hey Amélie,

Thank you for reporting this and for the description.

Could you also test one project for us, for example, simple 5 lines on 5 frames and will it reproduce the same problem? Also what resolution is used.



I did this test on all resolution types and this happened on every one. When previewing it always skipped a frame, and I was able to clearly see this because I put all the projects on 1fps. And yes, I spent the time to do the same thing on all the resolution types, every one 😂

I don’t think this is a big issue for people who may have projects with a high fps, but it still is an issue so I decided to reveal it. 

Basically what I’m saying is:

I did the test, I did it on ALL resolutions, it happened on every one of them. (Usually I do my projects on YouTube, (720p) incase this helps)

Igor Mitrovic

Hey Amélie,

Absolutely, that is why we have forum and community pages where people can provide great feedback like you do : )

Just one more question - is the issue the same when you turn of canvas rotation as well?



Amélie Hale
Quote from Igor Mitrovic

Hey Amélie,

Absolutely, that is why we have forum and community pages where people can provide great feedback like you do : )

Just one more question - is the issue the same when you turn of canvas rotation as well?



Yeah it does. Always skips a frame. Also, incase this helps (It probably doesn’t lol), I think it may only be an iOS thing? Though I don’t really know for sure. Hope this is enough info! 👍

Igor Mitrovic
Quote from Amélie Hale

Yeah it does. Always skips a frame. Also, incase this helps (It probably doesn’t lol), I think it may only be an iOS thing? Though I don’t really know for sure. Hope this is enough info! 👍

Thank you again, Amélie. Would it not be too much if you can provide us with the following project details so that we can try and reproduce the issue on our end please:

-- FPS used

-- Number of layers used

-- Number of frames used

-- Resolution used

Regards :)

Amélie Hale
Quote from Igor Mitrovic

Thank you again, Amélie. Would it not be too much if you can provide us with the following project details so that we can try and reproduce the issue on our end please:

-- FPS used

-- Number of layers used

-- Number of frames used

-- Resolution used

Regards :)

I actually don’t think it matters if you need anything specific with this. But if it were me, I would just choose a random resolution, (I know it happens on all resolutions from a previous test) and a random number of layers. (I suppose you can choose the layers) Though, probably more than 2 frames and a low fps so it’s actually possible to see this bug. Basically,  I don’t think it really matters what you choose, this will always happen. I just recommend more than 2 frames and a low fps so the bug is visible. (And maybe preview 3 or 4 times (?), I don’t know if the bug occurs the very first time you preview a brand new project TwT) Thanks 👍

Igor Mitrovic
Quote from Amélie Hale

I actually don’t think it matters if you need anything specific with this. But if it were me, I would just choose a random resolution, (I know it happens on all resolutions from a previous test) and a random number of layers. (I suppose you can choose the layers) Though, probably more than 2 frames and a low fps so it’s actually possible to see this bug. Basically,  I don’t think it really matters what you choose, this will always happen. I just recommend more than 2 frames and a low fps so the bug is visible. (And maybe preview 3 or 4 times (?), I don’t know if the bug occurs the very first time you preview a brand new project TwT) Thanks 👍

Hey Amélie, you are really putting all the details needed :) Would you mind sending us a recording from your point of view of this bug happening? You can share it via Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. Thanks.

Amélie Hale
Quote from Igor Mitrovic

Hey Amélie, you are really putting all the details needed :) Would you mind sending us a recording from your point of view of this bug happening? You can share it via Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. Thanks.

I doubt this will be able to be opened

Just like the text says, I doubt you’ll be able to open the video. So, sorry if you can’t.

If you can’t open it, well, I’m kinda outta ideas for sending a video.

I could try to send the video to FlipaClip from Mail? Though I don’t know if that could work. I guess I could include a description of the video here, if that helps.

I made a project, 4 frames long, 1fps. The 1st frame had 1 line, the 2nd had 2, and so on.  I went onto the 4th frame and pressed play. The first frame visible was the 2nd frame with 2 lines. I then went onto the 3rd frame and pressed play where I saw the 1st frame with 1 line. 
Again, I’m sorry if you can’t open the video, sometimes I just can’t do things. If the description was enough detail, good. If not, then.. maybe I can try sending it through Mail, though I really don’t know if that’ll work.

Again, sorry. :/

Igor Mitrovic
  • Under review
icosahedrons .

For mine, it lags for a second on the very first frame. I’d like it to be more smooth when I preview it but it’s like “nOpE”