File access failed! e-43 Please make sure FlipaClip can access the device storage
When I tried to add a video from my files, it said, “Make sure FlipaClip has access to your device’s storage” How do I fix this problem?
When I tried to add a video from my files, it said, “Make sure FlipaClip has access to your device’s storage” How do I fix this problem?
I when I upload a video it said make sure FlipaClip have access to your storage and I would crash
My IOS is an iPhone 7. Not a plus.
So basically, when I try to record or give it access to photos, it says something like “Please allow access” or “oOpS!! Flipaclip can’t freaking let you record!” Or at least what it feels like to me. The recording DID work, on the old phone I had. But, it won’t work now. And for the photos, it straight up just won’t do anything. There is no button to let it have access! Please fix this!
Im trying to make a backup of a project and its giving me this message which i have no idea what it means, if anyone knows what it is may i ask for help.
Hi. When I go to import a video into my project, I get a message stating "File access error e-45: please clear up storage space and try again." I did so, and the error pops up again and again, no matter what video I import. Do I need to clear up even more space or is this a bug? I had no problems with this previously.
I don’t know how to let FlipaClip access my device storage
I need help getting into FlipaClip because when I try and add a video it says that it cannot access my Photos and I have to create an account but it won’t let me
I tried adding a video to a project but when i tried, a message told me that i need to allow flipaclip to have access to my device storage and i am on ios.
i have tried clearing up storage and i have restarted the app, but nothing works. someone please help me.
I'm unable to back m'y project up !
This error message keeps on poping up
Nevermind.. figured it out. Opening the file from the gallery will work, while opening it from a file explorer will not.
its still not working im on privacy,photos, flipaclip and read and write has a check on it but it still wont work
its still not working im on privacy,photos, flipaclip and read and write has a check on it but it still wont work
What is the exact error message that you get? Is it happening on any project or just a specific one?
What is the FlipaClip version that you have? Can you please send us a screenshot of the error message?
Yes, please. Also, what is the FlipaClip version that you have?
Hello again. Thanks for the reply and sorry for the late response. My version is 2.4.6-209
Hello again. Thanks for the reply and sorry for the late response. My version is 2.4.6-209
Please make sure FlipaClip has access to your device’s storage.
FlipaClip was unable to access your device storage, tried all the suggestions given