Delete Project message does not display

  • updated
  • Fixed

I learned how to delete some unwanted projects thanks to a prompt answer to a question on here, but I noticed the message asking me to confirm deletion isn’t quite right.

Granted, it’s harmless and still gets the point across, but somehow I don’t think this is quite how you meant for this to look.

Image 1193

On the off chance the image doesn’t load, the code “dialog_warn_msg_remove_projects” pops up in the dialog box instead of whatever message it was supposed to display.

(In my brief experience in programming, probably missed a bracket. Or hit space one two many times.)

I’m on ios 12.4.8 on iphone 6.

Thanks in advance.

Igor Mitrovic
  • Not enough info

Hello Marietta,

Thank you for reporting this. Could you provide us with a couple of answers please:

1. What is the version of the App that you have?
2. Does it happen in all projects or only one?
3. If you restart your phone is the pop up the same?

marietta weaver

Version 2.0.4, happened with all three projects I went to delete.

Still can be pulled up as depicted on other projects.

Igor Mitrovic
  • Under review
Quote from marietta weaver

Version 2.0.4, happened with all three projects I went to delete.

Still can be pulled up as depicted on other projects.

Thank you, Marietta. Please allow us some time to review this issue. 

Igor Mitrovic
  • Fixed

Hey Marietta, I am pleased to inform you that this issue will be resolved in the next iOS release :) Igor

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