You can only copy and paste once

  • updated
  • Answered

Before when I used flippa clip, you would press and hold on the frame and then you could paste as many frames before or after the one selected as you pleased, but now once I hold the frame and press the paste option, the option bar will disappear and to keep pasting I have to keep pressing and holding over and over. Could you please fix this and make it the way it was before?

Duplicates 7
Frame duplicates and new frames issue

The new update has made it difficult to add in new frames it will take 5 seconds to make the new frame and then you have to do it again, if it’s needed I’m on iPhone XR and I’m using the most recent update for FlipaClip and iOS 

Fun and cool idea!

Hi flipaclip! I have an idea. Could there be an option where once you draw something and copy paste it multiple times on the same frame over and over and over again, there could be a setting where it WONT get super thick and turn into a blob and start to look weird? Thanks! :3

Frames buttons not working properly

I've been seeing this for a long time now. Everytime I hold down the frame to load the options of add new before and after, and copy and paste, if I click paste it will either move the buttons to a random frame on the screen, the buttons will disappear and not paste or they'll just disappear. I didn't have this bug previously and it was very easy to copy and paste frames but now it takes a long time.

New Update Issues, help?

So I personally really don’t like the recent update, specifically, how the frames move when I click on them and how big they are. I use to be able to paste lots of frames one after another but now it’s much slower and just a lot more tedious. Is there a way I can switch back to the old version? It would help me out a lot

there should be an active clipboard

there should be an active clipboard for users to access so we can copy more than one item and selectively paste any preferred one

После обновления меню копировать/вставить начало исчезать

После обновления приложения начал исчезать меню по копированию и вставке кадров. Ранее скопируешь, меню не исчезает, нажимаешь вставить, вставить, вставить и тд. А сейчас приходится для вставки каждого кадра вызывать это контекстное меню - сильно замедляется процесс

Paste Multiple Times

Whenever I'm making a different background for a certain scene, or trying to paste certain pictures into each frame, it's very time consuming and difficult. I usually have to spam the paste button while tapping on the next frame, which usually leads to me accidentally copying something wrong and having to go back to copy it again, or it crashes the Flipaclip app. It'd be nice if there was an option to paste something an amount of times, so that my fingers can survive the next time I want to have something in the background ;-;

Also whoever is reading this is a cool person

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Dusan Kolic
  • Answer
  • Answered


In the newest update, we wanted to make things run a bit more smooth. The popover with the copy/paste/add frame options will be dismissed once you paste the frame.

In order to copy/paste multiple frames please use frames viewer.

Thank you for your understanding.



Dusan Kolic
  • Answer
  • Answered


In the newest update, we wanted to make things run a bit more smooth. The popover with the copy/paste/add frame options will be dismissed once you paste the frame.

In order to copy/paste multiple frames please use frames viewer.

Thank you for your understanding.




Добрый день. 

Средство просмотра кадров неудобно - уходит время на его открытие. 

Копирование и вставку использую для каждого статичного кадра, когда нужно, чтобы изображение остановилось на некоторое время. В текущей ситуации приходится нажимать на кадр, ждать контекстное меню, нажимать КОПИРОВАТЬ, опять нажимать на кадр, ждать меню, потом нажимать вставить, оно исчезает, опять нажимать на кадр, ждать меню и тд. Раньше достаточно было один раз вызвать меню и потом нажимать нужное количество раз на ВСТАВИТЬ. Ещё такой момент: раньше, когда нажимаешь на кадр, появлялось меню, и чтобы вставить копию кадра, можно было нажимать на ВСТАВИТЬ в одно и то же место экрана. После обновления стало хуже: после первого нажатия на ВСТАВИТЬ менюшка начала перемещаться вдоль линейки кадров туда-сюда, стало менее удобно. После ещё одного обновления после первого нажатия на ВСТАВИТЬ меню вообще стало исчезать (

Просто верните как было и всё. 

Dusan Kolic
  • Under review


We are currently thinking about what is the best way to implement this and we would like to get your feedback on it.

Could you please explain a bit more about how you generally use it? What is your workflow like so we can better understand the need?

In the meantime please use "Frames Viewer" to copy-paste multiple layers.



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