How to install previously purchased "FlipaClip - Unlocker" [Google Play]

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Way long ago FlipaClip version 1.x used a separate "dummy" app called FlipaClip - Unlocker to unlock all app features. In FlipaClip version 2.x we moved away from this and started using In-app purchases. If you previously purchased the unlocker app you can follow the following steps to re-install or update it to unlock all features.

The FlipaClip - Unlocker app has been unpublished from Google Play. That means you won't find it when you try searching for it. However, if you have previously purchased it you will find it using the following steps.

  1. Open Google Play.
  2. Press the top left sandwich icon to expand the side menu.
  3. Go to My apps & games.
  4. Under LIBRARY tab you should be able to find the app if you previously purchased it.
  5. Under UPDATES tab you should be able to find the app if you already have installed but need to update it.

TIP 1: 

If you purchased the FlipaClip - Unlocker but you can't find it using the steps above, please make sure that you are using the correct Google Play account which made the original purchase.

TIP 2:

If you are getting a message in FlipaClip that the Unlocker app isn't installed properly or needs updating please follow the steps above to update it. If you never purchased it and you installed it from the internet make sure to uninstall the FlipaClip - Unlocker app to remove this error message. 

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