Why does it say "Sorry we're unable to process your registration" whenever I'm trying to make a new acc :( I'm hoping to join the latest contest so I need to make an acc
Cuando intente crear una cuenta en Flipaclip no puedo, hay tres modos y ya intente todos, con correo, com Facebook, con google y no me deja !!
1. Cuando intento con Facebook, me permite acceder con mi cuenta de Facebook y escogo ingresar, luego me sale esto:
"SERVER_ERROR: [código] 1349195 [mensaje]: El hash clave no coincide con ninguno de los hashes de clave almacenados. Ve a http://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/android para obtener más información. [ extra]:"
y más abajo me pone la opción de descartar, presionar a descartar y me envía el principio en donde tengo que elegir 3 maneras ...
2. Cuando intento registrarme con Google me pone mis cuentas y que escoges una para continuar, entonces escoges una cuenta y luego ... ¡nada pasa! Me vuelve a enviar al principio en donde tengo que elegir una de las tres maneras de crearme una cuenta :(
3. Ahora, cuando intente la manera de usar un correo electrónico, responda las preguntas de ¿cual es mi correo ?, La contraseña, en que país vivo, y todo eso de manera correcta y cuando termine el respondedor todo eso me dice esto :
"Lo siento, no podemos procesar tu registración".
Y me sale la opción de descartar y luego nuevamente me pone para elegir una de las tres maneras ....
Y sinceramente e intentado hacer todo eso una y otra vez y simplemente no acepta mi información !! Y me salgo y entro a la aplicación y sigue igual, revisado mi correo y cuando lo ingresó es correcto el correo así que no entiendo porque me pasa esto !! Y ya me estoy cansando, por favor ayúdenme yo solo quiero crearme una cuenta y premium :( se los suplico por favor ayuda
I've been trying for a while now to make an account on the app but it won't let me. I'll select create an account and it'll deny my registration, thinking maybe I already made an account with that email I'll try signing in with that email but it will simply say an account has not been made with it. I got screenshots for proof
I have a Samsung Galaxy A20 phone, and for whatever reason, whenever I try to make a Flipaclip account from the app itself, it says "sorry we're unable to process you're registration". It does this every time I put my information in, I've tried to put in different things, and it still tells me the same thing. Is it a bug? Or should I do something else?
In order to create an account, you must be more than 12 years old. So if you set your date of birth to be 2008 or later you will get this error message.
Are you trying to create an account using Facebook, Google or Email? Please be sure that you are not already registered (try to reset the password).
i've tried with both google and email, neither worked, and i tried seeing if i have an account registered but it said i didn't have an account under that email
Hi, can you please send us emails that you are trying to use for registration? Please send us an email to support@visualblasters.com and just put a link to this thread so we know what it is about.
Are you trying to create an account with Facebook, Email or Google?
What is the FlipaClip version that you have?
Please try to create an account using your email address, does that work?
On what step of the registration process are you stuck exactly?
Please try reset password option and enter your email that you tried to use for registration. Does that work?
On what step of the registration process are you stuck exactly?
Please try reset password option and enter your email that you tried to use for registration. Does that work?
I put in the Email address, put in the name, set the birthday, set the location, and "Sorry, we are not able to process your registration."
When I try to make an account, 'sorry we are not able to process your registration' pops out and I can't make an account. Why is that and how can I solve this problem?